The Process

How to thrive in today’s high-stress world?

Make Excellent Decisions

Robert MacPhee, author of Manifesting for Non-Gurus: How to Quickly & Easily Attract Lasting Results, has created a profoundly simple framework that will help you achieve success—both professionally and personally.

The implementation of this profoundly simple approach is much more than just sharing ideas and information. The process is facilitated with experiential, interactive exercises for groups and rigorous coaching for individuals.

Your Desired Results

The first step is to clearly identify your desired results and what is currently getting in the way of their achievement. This is also the point where we emphasize the importance of taking 100% responsibility.

Visions & Values

Clarity of vision and values is the key to the accomplishment of every other step of this process. Excellent Decisions are, by definition, decisions that are driven by your vision and values instead of the external stress and pressure you are faced with.

Strategy & Plan

Now it is time to identify the systems, people and actions that will be necessary to have in place to achieve the desired results that you have aligned with your vision and values.

Support & Accountability

Once you are in action, the world will give you feedback and there will be internal and external resistance. It is important to have ongoing accountability and support to stay on track.
Contact / Location

Connect with Robert

P.O. Box 188, Sonoma, CA 95476

Events / Calendar